Appius Consulting offers services for the successful development of companies, organisations, teams and individuals. A new strategic direction, a new mission statement, optimisation in sales, new disruptive business models, support in due diligence for a merger & acquisition, second opinions for digitalisation projects or aligning teams and employees for success are topics that Appius Consulting deals with on a daily basis. Based on the self-developed success methodology "Panther Strategy", owner Aeneas Appius also regularly conducts motivational coaching sessions and keynote speeches for companies and organisations.

Aeneas Appius is an enthusiastic endurance athlete. He looks back on a very successful career with over 680 competitions and 260 victories in running, duathlon, triathlon and cycling and is a multiple Swiss, European and World Champion in several disciplins.

He has incorporated his experience from the business world and top-level sport into a unique formula for success. His "PANTHER STRATEGY" method shows the way to success for organisations as well as individuals. As keynote speaker he motivates the audience to reach their goals. His book "WINNING SPIRIT" accompanies young and old persons on the path to achive their big dreams.

Aeneas Appius, owner