NEWS Ticker

08.09.2024: The VIPs of the Duathlon Long Distance World Championship enjoy an entertaining introduction to RUN-BIKE-RUN.

19.08.2024: The DUATHLET receives 3 additional languages: DUATHLETE (E), DUATHLÈTE (F) and DUATLETA (I) Many thanks to the international translation team.

25.06.2024: German version of DUATHLET in translation to E, F and I. Expected July/August 2024

20.06.2024: Agreement for Running Power Training FC Bubendorf Jun-D 2H2024

23.05.2025: German version of DUATHLET as E-Book available

12.05.2024: The new book "DUATHLET" available in German language 

15.04.2024: Start Running Power Training with soccer FC Bubendorf Jun-D 

02.01.2024: Founding of a new Swiss Duathlon community of interest 

01.01.2024: Kickoff for a new sport book

31.07.2023: Motivation Keynote Speech as guest speaker at Swiss national holiday August 1st, Böckten 

30.06.2023: WINNING SPIRIT book and eBook in English available worldwide. Details

09.03.2023: Motivation Keynote Speech inspires the traffic instructors of the Aargau cantonal police.

15.03.2023: Keynote Speech and Management Presentation of "WINNING SPIRIT" available in English

28.02.2023: First 250 books of "WINNING SPIRIT" in circulation. Thanks for the positive feedbacks.

02.11.2022: New BLOG of "PANTHER STRATEGY" on Facebook

01.11.2022:  Book and eBook of "WINNING SPIRIT" in German are available in bookstores. Read more here:

19.09.2022: Book launch of "WINNING SPIRIT" on 21.10.2022, 19:00, 4Biker AG, Böckten

18.09.2022: Delia Sclabas wins a bronze medal U23 at European Championship in Duathlon at Bilbao with  Appius Sport Coaching